
Revenue Share Asset Backed Loan Opportunity

Purism is a Social Purpose Corporation and is offering an 11% APR return on investment into an asset backed loan. Payouts will be monthly as the asset set-aside is sold until the loan is paid in full plus interest. Each dollar lent advances the social purpose mission of Purism, which in turn directly advances freedom respecting hardware, software, and services.

PureOS on Librem 14 and Librem 5

Total Investment (Updated Daily)

$40,000 / $250,000 Goal


What is Asset Backed Revenue Sharing?

Your investment is backed by the over $1.2m in assets (As of July 1st, 2024) Purism has in physical finished goods in at our facility, your loan is tied directly to a percentage of product inventory allowing the return on investment to be paid as it sells plus interest, thus sharing in the revenue from selling through the assets.

Purism is not a typical corporation, it is incorporated as a Social Purpose Corporation (SPC), which means its mission in all decisions must advance toward a future that creates technologies that fully respect the civil liberties of humanity.

All Librem devices


Asset Backed Revenue Sharing

This investment offering in Purism, SPC is a simple and effective revenue sharing model, whereby your funds are backed by the assets in Purism’s possession and is debt owed to you from Purism that will be paid from future revenue as the assets are sold plus interest.

We will use the investment funds for working capital and additional asset purchasing, parts procurement, as well as continuing development of all our freedom respecting revolutionary software stack.


This note will earn 11% interest annually with revenue sharing monthly payouts until the loan is satisfied plus interest, there is no action required to receive these loan payouts, they will be automatic monthly payments tied to revenue sold from the assets. Your investment is recorded and confirmation will be visible in My Account on the Purism shop.

Upon investment and funds being received you are agreeing to the terms of the Revenue Share Asset Backed Loan 2023.

More Information

To ask questions regarding the terms and conditions of the offering or any additional information necessary email ir@puri.sm

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Purism seeking Revenue Sharing Asset Backed Lending

Computer Hardware Manufacturing is an extremely capital intensive industry, it requires outlaying a lot of cash up front to get parts in quantity, then time to fabricate the parts into components, and then manufacture those components into finished goods that are then finally available to sell to the general public. Purism is looking to borrow against our fully owned inventory for working capital needs as well as procuring additional parts to keep products in stock on a consistent basis. By borrowing against our asset we can manage our cash flow for all our needs while offering a healthy return for investors as we sell through the inventory.

Can I get a copy of the investment terms and contract?

Yes, as stated above; the terms you agree to are the Revenue Share Asset Backed Loan.

What is a Revenue Share Asset Backed Loan?

It is a type of investment where the investor is owed the investment amount as debt, it earns interest and is paid out monthly after the asset that is backed is sold. Because Purism is only partially funding against its assets we are able to set aside this inventory and pay back as we sell through the asset..

Who can Invest?

Any adult agreeing to the terms and sending funds.

When do I get my return on investment?

As Purism sells through the set aside inventory Purism will pay out monthly, it will depend on the market and sales revenue, and the total investment against the inventory, but generally is seen a short-term (months) not long-term (many years) investment. Purism may open another asset backed investment opportunity depending on assets on hand whereby you could reinvest to see healthy returns as you help fuel the hardware purchasing Purism constantly needs.

Do I have to do anything after investment?

No, one of the easy things about asset backed lending is that they are debt instruments that automatically pay out as that asset is sold to the marketplace. You will be notified—via email—as your payments are coming due.

Has there been previous investment?

Purism has raised over $10m in total investments. This asset backed loan is on our books as a loan, not capital investment.

What is the minimum investment?

$5,000 USD.

What is the maximum investment?

$250,000 USD.

What are the funds used for?

As stated above, we will use the loan for working capital and additional asset purchasing, parts procurement, as well as continuing development of all our freedom respecting revolutionary software stack.

Can I share this investment opportunity with my friends or post about it on social media?

Yes, while this is not a public offering, it is an offering to friends, supporters, and their friends and supporters. We will not be offering this to any other groups besides our supporters and customers directly, we also will not be linking to this campaign from our site nor forums, but you are more than welcome to share that in your personal capacity or on your personal social media outlets. We desire to extend the offer—and its potential return—to those that are supportive of our Social Purpose movement and whom know the value that Purism brings.

What is my loan worth?

The loan is worth the amount you invested plus any interest accrued on a prorated basis.

Can I sell my loan contract?

Not easily. The best way to look at this loan is to consider it a short term loan tied to the asset selling, after the asset sells in the marketplace then Purism will tally that up and pay out the loan at the end of that month until the full amount of loan plus interest is satisfied.

Is this loan opportunity available outside the US?

Yes, the asset lending has language to allow any individual to lend.

I’d like to participate, but have a few more questions, can I get those answered?

Yes, to ask questions regarding the terms and conditions of the offering or any additional information necessary email ir@puri.sm