

A Crowdfunding Campaign to Make a Humanoid Robot

NOTE: We have stopped this campaign while we work on private direct interest.

We want to revolutionize robotics and are seeking your support to fund this research and development. We believe robotics, AI, and technology as a whole need a new direction from what Big Tech is building. We consistently deliver on revolutionary technology, and with your support will invest to revolutionize humanoid robotics. We are Purism, a Social Purpose Company, who consistently challenges the norms of Big Tech by providing innovative products and services that respect your digital rights.


The MiMi is a small remote controlled humanoid bipedal robot.

An operator (OP) utilizes a first-person gaming-like application to control the MiMi. The OP virtually enters the MiMi and sees through the eyes of the MiMi, hears through the ears of the MiMi, and speaks through the mouth of the MiMi. The OP will be able to physically interact with the world, head turn and tilt, walking, and eventually running, jumping, and crouching that that follow the head orientation—just like in first person gaming. The MiMi is Internet connected and filled with sensors to both manage local programmatic instruction (e.g. standing after falling, climbing stairs, object avoidance, etc.) and accept remote human instruction (e.g. communication, action, expressions, walking, gripping, etc.).

The MiMi will combine gaming (first-person controls), teleconferencing (video, audio, speaking, mute), animation (physical movements), but completely flip the script from artificial intelligence (AI) based robotics and put a human (the OP) in control.

All major robotics projects put out AI driven products to replace humans or human tasks. The MiMi will be the opposite—it will have a human (the OP) remotely enter the robot and control it with AI assistance.

This solves a fundamental problem with robots: Robots that fail, lose trust. Robots that have human operators, can fail, and try again as an acceptable—even humorous—human-like interaction with the world. This also allows for a balance between proven successful AI driven tasks, such as “What is the weather like today?” from a smart speaker while having the ability to learn and change variables by a human OP, that as it learns can later become automated functions.

Industry Premise

Understanding the premise of industries helps to understand incentives as well as (mis)guided direction of industries.

There are three primary industries that we believe can adjust their premise to create a new humanoid robotic world.

    1. Metaverse / Gaming
    While Meta may have invested billions-and-billions-and-billions-and-billions of dollars simply to recreate Roblox, this overall metaverse / gaming industry has long had a premise of interactively engage humans into virtual worlds. This premise can be challenged.
    2. Robotics
    Nearly the entire robotics industry since inception has had the premise of replacing humans. This premise can be challenged.
    3. AI
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it relates to Robotics has long had the premise of automating or replacing human tasks. This premise can be challenged.
MiMi combines these three industries into a single product: First, people will enter inside the MiMi to interactively engage into physical worlds, flipping the script on the Metaverse / Gaming industry. Second, the MiMi is changing robotics to be human-led as a revolutionary Humanoid eXperience (HX). Third, the MiMi includes AI to assist human interaction and tasks not attempt to replace them, changing the primary goal of our AI use into an exciting human-assisted environment.

The future is going to be exciting!

Quick Facts


Want to get announcements & news digests once in a while? To subscribe, email text@puri.sm with the subject “subscribe newsletter”.

Feedback or Questions

If you have general feedback or specific questions you can send them to us via email and we will get those into our MiMi support queue for processing, just send an email mimi-feedback@puri.sm.

Reasons to Support

There are many reasons to support Purism’s endeavor to innovate in the robotics space, here are some we’ve heard already:

Why Purism

Purism has invented and innovated across many industries and has built and delivered laptops, phones, mini PCs, tablets, an operating system, bundled services, and numerous applications. Purism is now ready to expand into robotics with a revolutionary approach.

We are focusing on creating a robotics ecosystem and will continually expand our product offering with community and developer engagement in addition to investing directly.


Purism started in 2014, in that amount of time the dedicated team of experts have invented and innovated across many areas all while staying true to the firm beliefs enshrined in the Purism Social Purpose Articles of Incorporation.

Project Milestones

The Audiences

There are too many audiences to fully enumerate, but here are some obvious ones:

Use Cases

MiMi has many use cases that are even too many to list, but here is a short list that we see in the early days:

Broad MiMi Tech Specs

MiMi Dev Kit (Board, Cables, and Sensors):

MiMi M0 (Robotic Head with Sensors):

MiMi M1 (Wheeled Robot):

MiMi M2 (Bipedal Robot):


  1. The OP App

    The OP application (OP App) will be a first-person command and control center with multi-platform deployment.

    1. Game Engine

      A free, all-in-one, multi-platform game engine is likely needed and if so https://godotengine.org/ is an obvious choice, alternatively writing natively as the UI is very thin.

    2. Multi-Platform Deployment

      1. Desktop: The OP App must deploy to Windows, OSX, and PureOS (GNU/Linux).
      2. Mobile: The OP App must deploy to iOS and Android as well as PureOS (GNU/Linux).
      3. Tablet: The OP App must deploy to iOS and Android as well as PureOS (GNU/Linux).
      4. Consoles: The OP App optionally may be able to deploy to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. Licensing research required.
    3. First-Person Point-of-View

      The OP App will utilize the camera sensors from the MiMi as its full-screen view. The controls will be overlays and utilize most of the common First Person Shooter (FPS) functions such as:

      1. Mouse: Controlling head movements that control the servo motors on the MiMi to physically adjust the head and thus camera.
        Left Mouse ButtonLeft Hand Activate
        Right Mouse ButtonRight Hand Activate
      2. Keyboard:
        WForward (Walk)
        SBackward (Walk)
        AStrafe Left
        DStrafe Right
        Left ShiftRun Modifier
        Caps LockToggle Run
        Left ControlCrouch
        QLeft Arm Activate
        ERight Arm Activate
        1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9Sensor Toggle
        GGPS Map Overlay
        TType to Voice
  2. MiMi

    1. Versions

      1. The MiMi will iterate through different marked versions:
        1. Dev Kit: Development Kit of Boards, Cables, and Sensors
        2. M0: Head with Sensors
        3. M1: MiMi on (self balancing) Wheels or Tracks
        4. M2: MiMi Bipedal
    2. Size

      The MiMi would ideally be between 18” and 32” (46cm and 81cm) in height—such as a small walking toddler or a large toy—and would be as light as possible while not diminishing quality, stability, and strength (factoring in the anticipated weight of the batteries). A simple goal is to ‘fetch me a can of soda’ and have the Operator of the MiMi able to retrieve a can.

    3. Function

      The MiMi will be equipped with onboard capabilities for walk, run, strafe, jump, crouch, stand up (when fallen), stop. With additional actions able to be added as plugins: climb stairs, dance, flip, slide, kick, etc.

    4. Skinning

      The OP will have an avatar that upon entering the MiMi and taking control will be applied to the various configurable panels, actions, LEDs, and animations.

    5. Parts

      The MiMi should utilize known working configurations and parts, WiFi, BT, Cellular, SIM card, Antenna, Battery (possibly weighted into the mechanical design of the humanoid shape), LEDs, sensors (lots of sensors), GPS, accelerometer, proximity, night vision, cameras (for eyes), microphone (ears), speaker (mouth), gyroscope, motors (servos), grip like capabilities for feet and hands.

    6. Expressions

      The MiMi should be able to physical show the 7 universal expressions: Happy, Sad, Angry, Scared, Disgusted, Surprised, Contemptuous, that should be controlled by the LED eyes and diffused LEDs into facial panels and colors.

    7. Eyes

      The eyes should be the most expressive part the MiMi. With protective glass and cameras integrated. The eyes should be able to offer a wide range of customization and emotions.

    8. Sensors:

      CameraVision (Eyes)
      Zoom CameraMonocular Zoom Vision (Eyes)
      Night Vision CameraNight Vision (Eyes)
      Infrared CameraInfrared Vision (Eyes)
      MicrophoneListening (Ears)
      SpeakerSpeaking (Mouth)
      FlashlightIlluminating Torch
      UV LightBlacklight Torch
      TemperatureLocal Temperature Measurement
      ProximityDistance Measurement
      PressureForce Measurement
      Carbon DioxideGas Detectioon
      Carbon MonoxideGas Detectioon
      Air PollutionPollution Detection
      SmokeParticulates Detection
      InfraredNon-Optical Heat Detection
      MotionMovement Detection
      AccelerometerSpeed Detection
      GyroscopeAngle and Velocity Detection
      HumidityHumidity Measurement
    9. Image Stabilization

      The MiMi will operate in physical space, therefore the OP will be seeing through the camera eyes of the MiMi, when moving this will likely create immense shaking that would not feel natural to the OP. Image stabilization will likely be a requirement so walking, strafing, jumping, running, crouching, head tilt all are smoothed out to appear more to the OP as if they are physically there looking with their own eyes and moving with their own bodies.

    10. LED Username Display

      The MiMi will need to have an LED to display the username that is operating the MiMi. This will allow a very easy spot-check that the MiMi is being operated by a known approved user. The location should be easily readable from the owner, such as the back of the head or shoulders and should support a display or scrolling display to handle 32 or more characters easily. The owner should be able to quickly look at the LED username and feel confident that the operator authenticated against that username.

    11. Hardware Kill Switches

      The MiMi will have hardware kill switches (HKS) for:

      1. Cameras, microphone, and speakers.
      2. All Radio Frequency (RF) chips, Cellular, WiFi, BlueTooth, etc.
      3. Physical power switch. This will ensure that the owner has full control with physical easy-to-use switches disabling power at the hardware level.

    12. Registered Operator Required

      The MiMi will require a registered and authorized operator (OP) to remotely control the MiMi.

    13. Subscription by Default

      The MiMi will by default have a paid for subscription to utilize the OP App to connect to the MiMi. The local owner will have the option to self-host or operate the MiMi without a paid subscription.

    14. Cellular Subscription by Default

      The MiMi will include by default a Cellular subscription bundled with the OP App subscription, even though the MiMi can connect via WiFi for OP App use. The local owner will also have the option to do WiFi only or utilize their own prepaid SIM to operate the MiMi outside the default cellular subscription.

    15. Charging MiMi Battery

      The MiMi will have a battery level indicator near the heart panel—desiring a pulsing heart LED icon.

    16. Operator and Owner Administration

      An operator (OP) and owner must register for an account to operate a MiMi. There will be an option to self-host but would be the exception to the default.

      1. Domain:

        A to-be-announced Purism managed domain will be utilized for username registrations.

      2. Usernames:

        Lowest common denominator username required (same policy used for librem.one usernames). Account names cannot be reused, avoiding identity abuse. A canceled account deletes all data and that account name is gone forever. A lost password without a recovery address is gone forever. The OP username is what appears on the LED on the MiMi after connection.

      3. Logging:

        All account uses are logged for future accountability. All MiMi operator connections are recorded for verifying operators to usage. Any MiMi logs or recordings should be kept locally on the MiMi itself where the owner owns the logs and access to them.

    17. Owner MiMi Setup

      The MiMi owner must complete the initial setup to manage the MiMi properly.

      1. Registration:

        The owner will register the MiMi to verify an active subscription and account.

      2. Permission:

        The MiMi defaults to deny all access. The owner must allow a specific username (opt-in) to access the MiMi. Username’s are shared with the owner out-of-band (a OP friend could text message their username to allow the owner to enable that username). Having a local only access to register the MiMi and manage the OPs that can access it would strengthen security for owner management (e.g. no remote OP permissions granted, only a local network or WiFi direct admin connection would be allowed). Alerts upon MiMi access would be shared to the owner.

Stretch Goals

As we cross each stretch goal we will include the following accessories with any MiMi order shipped:

MiMi Olympics

Purism plans to run an annual MiMi Olympics, where participants who qualify will be able to compete in various challenges. The initial events list will likely include:


The MiMi platform can easily entice gamers and create a competitive event based ecosystem, where OPs will enter a MiMi to compete in various physical challenges, this tournament style competition can be viewed by an audience similar to real world sporting events and competitions.

Spectator Mode

The OP App plans to have a spectator mode where other parties can view and experience but not control the MiMi.

How Coupons Work

Coupons are funds that can be applied toward the purchase of any MiMi related product or service after 12 months from date of coupon purchase. Your order number is coupon code to use during purchase and verified against your email. An example: $500 coupon bought on July 15th, 2024 that is charged $25 per month would have a total accumulated coupon value of $800 on July 15th, 2025 (e.g. $500 + ($25 * 12)).

All supporters of the campaign are able to use their coupon to get an additional 10% off prior to product delivery. An example: an $800 coupon to purchase a $1,250 MiMi related product allows the $1,250 to be discounted by 10% (to $1,125) and then the $800 valued coupon applied, leaving a balance of just $325.

Coupons also have a steeper discount on the One Time payment earlier in the campaign whereby you are able to purchase a $500 coupon for less than $500. An example: $500 coupon bought in the third week of the campaign will be sold for 10% off (e.g. $450 to buy a $500 coupon).

Table of discount by week:

1 (Jul 15)15%
2 (Jul 22)12%
3 (Jul 29)10%
4 (Aug 5)9%
5 (Aug 12)8%
6 (Aug 19)7%
7 (Aug 26)6%
8 (Sep 2)5%
9 (Sep 9)4%
10 (Sep 16)3%
11 (Sep 22)2%
12 (Sep 30)1%
13 (Oct 7)0%
14 (Oct 14)0%


As with all crowdfunding projects there are many risks, the primary way to consider supporting Purism investing in the MiMi project is that you are supporting the incremental research and development with public releases of source code along the way, there is no guarantee of product delivery nor availability.

Coupons (vs Rewards)
One area to reduce risk for all parties involved is by offering coupons for future purchase rather than pinning known rewards to relatively unknown cost. This allows for a supporter to get in early and carry that coupon forward to use at a later time against the purchase of an available MiMi product. Coupons are valid for future MiMi related product purchase, no refunds.
Each milestone list has unknowns that need to be researched, tested, and the outcome planned, this makes it impossible to accurately estimate the duration for each milestone. What we chose to do is have a regular cadance of milestone progress reports, some may be done faster than anticipated, some will be done slower than anticipated, but taking a milestone approach allows constant measurable progress.
Inability to Have a Feature
We may be forced to abandon a feature for any number of reasons, and if so would include that in the milestone progress reports. The ending products offered will likely vary significantly based on our research and development efforts.
Developmental Blocker and Work Arounds
It is likely that we will face developmental blockers and have to find a work around or alternative path to get a desired outcome, we will share any details of this in the progress reports.
Issues and Bugs
There will be issues, there will be bugs. We will file tickets and work on them with public and community involvement.
No Refunds
There are no refunds for coupon purchases or accumulated charges, the total amount is available in a coupon for purchase of any MiMi related product only, and after a 12 month waiting period.
Cost Overruns
It is likely there will be cost overruns, and having experienced this with past projects, is the primary reason we opted for coupons that can apply to a future to-be-determined product price.


Can I invest?
Yes. Please email ir@puri.sm for more information.
How long will it take?
It is hard to predict with any degree of accuracy, which is why we are progressing based on milestones vs guessing on time. As we iterate and cross milestones the timeline becomes clearer. We will send frequent updates (roughly every two weeks).
  • MiMi Dev Kit: At least 12 months from campaign ending, probably closer to 18 months. Our published milestone progress is the best way to follow along with delivery schedule.
  • MiMi M0: At least 12 months after MiMi Dev Kit delivery. Our published milestone progress is the best way to follow along with delivery schedule.
  • MiMi M1: At least 12 months after MiMi M0 delivery. Our published milestone progress is the best way to follow along with delivery schedule.
  • MiMi M2: At least 12 months after MiMi M1 delivery, probably closer to 18 months. Our published milestone progress is the best way to follow along with delivery schedule.
Will other campaigns be run for each product iteration?
Yes. We plan four campaigns one for each product iteration, starting sometime during the month of the previous iteration’s product delivery, something like the below:
  • Campaign 1: This campaign. Starting Now.
  • Campaign 2: MiMi M0, M1, and M2 campaign. After MiMi Dev Kit delivery
  • Campaign 3: MiMi M1, M2 focused campaign. After MiMi M0 delivery
  • Campaign 4: MiMi M2 focused campaign. After MiMi M1 delivery
Can I get a refund?
No. There are no refunds for coupon purchases or accumulated charges, the total amount is available in a coupon for purchase of any MiMi related product only, and after a 12 month waiting period.
Can I cancel my monthly accumulating charges?
Yes, you can cancel or stop your monthly charges at anytime, and your coupon holds the full value of all charges to be used for any future MiMi related product.
Why is crowdfunding used? Do you crowdfund new products or new versions or both?
Purism has utilized crowdfunding to determine market demand, it is valuable to know that before we invest time and energy inventing products. Purism has done crowdfunding for new products only, and not for new versions of the same product, we also have opted to forgo crowdfunding for some related products, the Librem 11 tablet, Librem Mini PC, Liberty Phone (with Made in USA Electronics), and the upcoming Librem 16 laptop are examples of skipping the crowdfunding phase. Crowdfunding new innovative products allow us to prove there is market demand, and then invest those dollars into the product creation.
How much is it going to cost?
We need to finish the experimentation to know bill-of-materials and therefore cost, so the cost is not yet known, therefore the purchase price is also not known. How we chose to mitigate that was to offer coupons to support the development and allow those coupons to be applied toward the purchase price once we determine that. We estimate the costs to be above: $1,200 for MiMi Dev Kit; $3,500 for MiMi M0; $7,500 for MiMi M1; and $12,500 for MiMi M2
Can I change my mind and use my coupon for a different MiMi product?
Yes. The coupon can be used for any MiMi related product as they become available.
Can I change my mind and use my coupon for a different Purism product?
No. The reason it needs to apply to MiMi related products is that is where the dollars will be spent.
Why do milestones vs sharing dates?
Milestones allow for adjustments in time as we do research, it also allows progress to be shown toward each milestone.
Are the number of cameras known and what are the camera specs?
Those answers will be known after experimentation. The number of cameras on the head will be determined after experimentation as well as specifications. An example: more cameras that are less expensive or fewer cameras with higher resolution that may be higher in price.
Will the accumulating coupon charges be rolled over to subscription services?
Yes, during the coupon checkout process the option to continue the monthly charge for services will roll over.
Will MiMi be able to walk?
The MiMi M2 is planned to be bipedal, and has plans for onboard capabilities for walk, run, strafe, jump, crouch, stand up (when fallen), stop. With additional actions able to be added as plugins: climb stairs, dance, flip, slide, kick, etc.
Will MiMi have customizable hair, skin, or clothes?
Skinning the MiMi includes plans listed above: The OP will have an avatar that upon entering the MiMi and taking control will be applied to the various configurable panels, actions, LEDs, and animations. Customers are welcome to dress and decorate MiMi how they wish, perhaps there will be a market for 3rd party accessories for MiMi in the future.
What capabilities will the robot have? SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)? Object detection? Facial recognition?
It will iterate through capabilities, initially SLAM, rudimentary object detection (for avoidance), and re-evaluate as we progress.
What mechanical design will MiMi use for the body of the robot?
Generally, lightweight and strong. It will take some experimentation to get the right combination of materials.
Will software be open-source and license free?
Yes. It will adhere to Purism’s well established Social Purpose.
Will the software be available during development?
Yes. We will be working in the public, on our public repositories.
Can I write my own software modules for MiMi?
Yes. It is encouraged.
Can I modify the robot for my own projects?
Yes. You will be able to self-host and have full access to source code.
Can I modify the robot or software and sell it for profit?
Yes. Adhering to the freedoms granted in the free software licensing.
Will the MiMi name be trademarked?
Yes. The name is underway for trademark.
What privacy and security features will MiMi have?
Purism has long established privacy and security features by default in all products, for the MiMi it will include hardware kill switches, all logs stored locally (not on centralized/cloud servers), and per-session owner authorization for access.
What operating system will MiMi use? ROS2? RTOS? PureOS? Debian?
Likely a combination, but more experimentation will be needed to determine operating system needs and capability required.
How capable will the MiMi robot be? Can it recognize and pick up objects?
The goal is a simple “fetch me a can of soda” metric.
What will be the specifications of the MiMi robot (height, width, weight)?
Height: 60-80cm
Width: 40-50cm
Weight: 5kg-12kg
(subject to change after experimentation)
What will be the power supply?
More research will be needed before providing specs.
What will be the processor hardware specs?
More research will be needed before providing specs.
How long will the batteries last?
The minimum goal is 4 hours, the stretch goal is 8 hours.