
You can reach us through various means, whether you are a contributor, customer, business partner or investor. If you are a member of the press or an investor, you might be interested in our press room page.


We’re always happy to hear from you, and we try to reply in a timely fashion to everything that requires action or has an outstanding question.


Note: the Purism team receives multiple thousands of emails per month on average. Please take a look at the best practices for reaching us through email (especially regarding technical or operations-related questions) so we can better respond to you.

Community forums

Get involved here:

Chatrooms and development mailing lists

You can join us on various Purism community channels via Matrix, and discuss phone or PureOS development through various mailing lists. See for details.

Remember that we are spread across timezones, and therefore may not necessarily reply “within minutes”; You will often have to be patient and keep your computer (and Matrix client) connected as the answers may come some hours later. If you are requesting personalized technical help or follow-up on an order, email is usually the most efficient means of contact.

Social media

You can find us on Mastodon, Twitter, and Facebook.
We also keep an eye on the Purism SubReddit, although we neither control (nor moderate) it.

Mailing Address

Purism, SPC
50 California Street, Suite 1500
San Francisco, California, USA

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