Best Secure Business Laptop: The Librem 14

Librem 14 – The Road Warrior

Businesses have a growing need for securing their digital assets. Sourcing the best secure business laptop is one of the best methods to minimize exploit points. Enterprise IT teams desire to start with the strongest foundation in hardware, firmware, and software; then add the necessary business specific tools on-top. This is equivalent to selecting the furniture and door locks on-top of a solid building foundation. Secure business laptops require a solid foundation, and the best secure business laptops run secure boot firmware.

Librem 14

Secure Hardware Makes the Best Business Laptop

The Librem 14 is custom built by Purism and is designed from the schematics on up with security in mind. Hardware Kill Switches that turn off the camera and microphone, to secure boot firmware tied to a hardware TPM that any CISO would be proud to have. All the hardware and chipsets in the Librem 14 are hand selected to run completely free software, with all the source code released, offering reproducing code, limiting exploit points, and offering the best in security top-to-bottom.

Auditable Operating System is Best for Security

PureOSendorsed by the Free Software Foundation—releases all the source code of the entire operating system. Fully free software, with the source code available, means that every line of code can be verified to be the most secure. It is this trust but verify process that only auditable source code can offer. The Librem 14 runs PureOS by default, making the Librem 14 the best secure business laptop available today.

Librem 14 Monitors

The Librem 14 is the Best Secure Business Laptop

Combining PureBoot, Coreboot, PureOS, Librem Key all in a Librem 14, means you have the best security available from one of the most trusted brands in the computing industry.

Contact Enterprise Sales for more information, bulk hardware purchasing, bespoke manufacturing, Librem 5 USA (with Made in USA Electronics), or custom PureOS development.

Order Your Librem 14

Ultra-portable workstation laptop that was designed chip-by-chip, line-by-line, to respect your rights to privacy, security, and freedom.