Press Coverage

Here are some articles about Purism mentioned in the press, if you find one we missed, please let us know! If you are a member of the press looking for our press room, it’s over here.

Linux Journal"This computer is lightning fast, and it's easily the best laptop I've ever owned. More than anything, I'm glad this is a system I purchased and not a "review copy", so I don't have to send it back!"
liliputing"Purism takes things a step further by shipping its laptops with Coreboot and focusing on hardware and software that emphasizes privacy."
"Purism embarked upon a quest to build the most secure laptop ever"
Bloomberg View"laptops with maximum privacy and security in mind. [...] If one has the discipline to give up the social networks [...], a Purism machine can take care of all the basic privacy and security needs."
Engadget“a portable PC that combines modern parts (such as a 3.4GHz Core i7 and an optional 4K display) with software that’s accessible from head to toe.”
TechCrunch“absolutely free and open and uncontrolled by outside forces ensures complete control of every aspect of the hardware at all times.” And that’s a good thing.
Linux Journal“Up until this point there were few options for laptops that ran purely Free Software, much less any that had modern hardware and a modern look and feel.”
PCWorld“This is a serious, slick Linux notebook, not a bit of kit for hobbyist hackers.”
liliputingliliputing “This is a laptop for serious enthusiasts of free and open software who want to have full access to as much of the software running on their system as possible.”
Laptop“Librem 15: Sexy Open Source Laptop”
Geek“a free, open source laptop that doesn’t suck”
ITWorld“The Librem laptop is designed to run on truly free software only”
Geeky Gadgets“The Librem 15 open source laptop has designed to offer users a high end experience”
Ars Technica“a laptop that’s as open source friendly as it is technically feasible”
InfoWorld“A laptop that protects your digital rights”
TechRadar Pro"Purism embarked upon a quest to build the most secure laptop ever"
PCWorld“Purism discovered how to make open-source software laptops even more open”
ZDNet“There are lots of Linux laptops, but none that have the Free Software Foundation’s blessings. That may change.”
IDG Connect“Crowdsourcing Innovation: Todd Weaver, Purism”
PCWorld“for those who pursue technology free of closed software and firmware, its creation is actually a big step forward.”
ZDNet“​Librem 15, the first free software GNU/Linux laptop, makes funding goal”