We have a lot of irons in the fire at Purism whether it’s hardware development like the Librem 5, Librem 5 USA, or Librem 14, new products like the Librem Mini v2, or the wide range of software projects we maintain at https://source.puri.sm. As a result, each week there is news on at least one of these fronts.

We often get questions about the status of various projects, in particular from customers who are part of a crowdfunding campaign who want to know the answer to the all-important question: when will I get my device? In this post we will cover all the different ways you can stay up to date on Purism news.


The best place to stay up to date on Purism news is at https://puri.sm/news/ which is where we publish all of our progress reports, product announcements, HOWTOs, press releases and other news, along with larger so-called “think pieces” that we publish from time to time that discuss our values and the industry at large. If you use RSS, you can add https://puri.sm/feed/ to your feed reader and always know when we publish something new.

Social Media

We maintain a number of social media accounts both on platforms that share our values and more mainstream platforms we don’t approve of, so people can share our articles and news with their friends who are still on those platforms. Following any of these social media accounts will let you know when we publish new articles or have new sales or other promotions:


We create quite a bit of video content from HOWTOs to demos and host all of it on our own website. Each video on one of the alternative platforms we will list also have a corresponding article with an embedded video on our own site. Videos that are embedded in articles on our site are also hosted by Purism so that’s the best way for privacy-focused customers to access our videos without sharing data with any third parties.

Even though we host our own videos, we also know that some customers prefer using other platforms to view and track videos. We also know that some customers like the convenience of only tracking our videos and not the rest of our articles. With those needs in mind we also publish each of our videos on Youtube and LBRY:


When it comes to pre-orders we do periodically send email updates to customers letting them know the current status of their order. However we are also sensitive to the fact that many customers don’t want to be bothered, and would consider frequent updates on a project to be spam, while others want to know each time there is an update, however small.

As a result, when it comes to unsolicited emails, we typically avoid sending unsolicited emails to customers unless there is a specific status update to their order, or we feel that a news update is important enough that we feel customers wouldn’t view it as spam. For example, for the Librem 5 project, customers who were part of the initial crowdfunding campaign on average have gotten only a few emails a year.

For customers who want frequent updates and prefer email over the above options, we offer a newsletter you can subscribe to and receive curated digests of our news every few weeks. To sign up, just scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will see our newsletter subscription form. Just add your email and click Subscribe.

Stay in Touch

Whatever method you choose, please do choose at least one way to stay up to date on all of our news. We stay very busy here at Purism and there’s always something new to report.

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