Todd Weaver

Todd Weaver

Founder and CEO
PGP Fingerprint: B8CA ACEA D949 30F1 23C4 642C 23CF 2E3D 2545 14F7
Todd Weaver

We’ve written previously about the delays surrounding the 4k screens from Samsung both in this blog and on social media, and we now have more information that we can share.

We have received stock of our Librem 15 rev2 2k, the 1920x1080p screens, and will be fulfilling orders from that stock in the coming weeks. We are finalizing testing and OS loading this week and next.

We have found an alternative to Samsung for the 4k panels, from LG, so have ordered a handful of 4k prototype panels from LG. This allows us to leverage two suppliers to determine which one can provide us the back ordered 4k panels to fulfill the remaining Librem 15 rev2 4k panels.

The decision is up to you if you would like to accept the 1080p screens or continue to wait for the 4k.

Currently, we are reporting that the 4k screens will be made available to us in the “month of May.” However, considering the past supply chain delays, even with having two suppliers, it is safer to assume user delivery in June.

Your options are currently one of these three choices:

If you originally ordered a 1080p display and were then later upgraded to the 4k display, you will be getting the 1080p screen from your original 1080p order unless you specifically want to want for the 4k.

If you originally ordered a 4k display but are willing to downgrade to 1080p, you may do so now and your order will be filled. We will increase your memory, drive size, or drive type to compensate for the screen downgrade.

We appreciate your continued support and patience with this issue. Many of you have been more patient with us than some of us have been with Samsung. Please write us at with order details and your choice or any other questions that you may have.

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