Purism is happy to announce that we are finally able to host our own store! Yes, you read that correctly, now you can buy directly from Purism. This new store front will improve our workflow and also bring more funds directly to Purism for future development of products and services.

In our store you will have multiple choices of how you would like to pay for you new Librem device: direct bank transfer, Paypal, bitcoin or using your credit card.  As we are continuing to try and improve all aspects of Purism, we have listened to your feedback.  In an effort to aid in communication, our next step is to add a public view of next 10 shipments so that you can see where you are in the queue.  But, don’t worry, we take your privacy very seriously and only order numbers, and nothing else, will be visible.

With continued support we hope to soon be able to ship Librem devices from stock significantly reducing wait times for orders.  With the help and support of our backers, Purism is continuing to grow as we reach towards our goals of having easy to use and reasonably secure computers & services available to the general public. Sincerely, we thank you for your support, patience and questions while asking for your help in spreading the word of our new store front.

Thoughts or comments?  feedback(at)wp.puri.sm

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