Todd Weaver

Todd Weaver

Founder and CEO
PGP Fingerprint: B8CA ACEA D949 30F1 23C4 642C 23CF 2E3D 2545 14F7
Todd Weaver

We have placed our fabrication order for the Librem 13, and we expect to receive them around the 15th of September. We decided to bite-the-bullet and place the order prior to the campaign funding ending, to avoid any delays.

To keep a running update on dates:

August 15th – “green light” fabrication
August 20th – Todd on-site @ fabrication in Shenzhen
[3-4 weeks fabrication]
September [15th-20th] – Receive hardware for assembly
September [24th-28th] – Ship first orders of Librem 13

Thank you!

Todd Weaver & Purism Team

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