Todd Weaver

Todd Weaver

Founder and CEO
PGP Fingerprint: B8CA ACEA D949 30F1 23C4 642C 23CF 2E3D 2545 14F7
Todd Weaver

The Librem 13 fabrication is nearing completion, we should be expecting units in as early as the week of the 15th:

Note: We have pulled most of the coreboot development time and put it into the very excited testing of our theory on unlocking the Intel Management Engine (ME), which we hope to have some news on within the next week or so.

August 15th – “green light” fabrication
August 20th – Todd on-site @ fabrication in Shenzhen
week 1 fabrication
week 2 fabrication
week 3 fabrication
week 4 fabrication
September [15th-20th] – Receive hardware for assembly
September [24th-28th] – Ship first orders

Known Issues:

  1. Trackpad Driver
    • Current: ps/2 mouse capabilities
    • Future: multitouch
    • ETA: ~October
    • Where: Kernel Level Driver
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Git (soon)
    • 2 devs
  2. Unlocking the ME
    • Current: ~85%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~September
    • Where: BIOS
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Coreboot Blog
    • 2 devs
  3. Coreboot BIOS
    • Current: ~25%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~October
    • Where: BIOS
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Coreboot Blog, Git (soon)
    • 3 devs
  4. Hardware Kill Switches
    • Current: Webcam/Mic & NGFF (Wireless)
    • Future: DONE
    • ETA: September 11
    • Where: Hardware
    • Source for Updates: Blog
    • 3 devs
  5. Bluetooth (via daughter card)
    • Current: ~0%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~February 2016
    • Where: Kernel Level Driver
    • Source for Updates: Blog
    • Note: This is for a free software kernel driver, not the binary blob
    • 0 devs (If you’re interested in helping we can use it!)

Thank you!

Todd Weaver & Purism Team

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