This summer, we have been kept busy with a number of things. As you can see with the many blog posts from the Librem 5 phone development team (many more are scheduled to be published in the coming days and weeks), we have been heavily focused on preparing the software platform for the phone, as well as designing the hardware to be manufactured for the development kits and the components that will be used for the production phone.

However, our work does not happen in isolation, hence why many of us attend FLOSS conferences as part of our collaborative development model. Whenever and wherever possible, we aim to supplement our attendance with sponsorship of those important Free Software events.

  • The GUADEC 2018 conference attendees

    Some of you might already have met multiple Librem 5 developers who attended GUADEC at the beginning of the month, where we sponsored a coffee break to offset some of the costs of organizing the conference.

  • This week, our PureOS developers are attending the Debian conference, starting with “Debcamp” this week and then the core conference days this upcoming week. Like GUADEC, we are also supporting debconf by sponsoring the event in addition to sending team members there. You can see Zlatan, Jonas, Matthias and Chris Lamb roaming the venue, so make sure to say hi to them!
  • Shortly after debconf, some of us will be attending Akademy 2018, the KDE conference, which we are sponsoring at the bronze level.

Those are the essential conferences we’re attending this summer season. While we are careful with our travel and sponsorships this year with the significant investments that our R&D efforts require, we hope to continue to support such events close to our technological stack and communities, and to broaden our presence in the future.

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