Ask us anything at LibrePlanet 2018

We are proud to announce that we will be attending and sponsoring the Free Software Foundation’s flagship conference, LibrePlanet, at the MIT this week-end on March 24-25th.

We will also be manning a booth there, where you can try out our Librem laptops and see one of our i.MX 6 phone prototype development boards for the Librem 5. Come and say hi! We’ll be happy to meet old friends and new Free Software enthusiasts, veterans and newcomers, and to answer any questions attendees may have for us.

Ask Todd Anything online

Todd Weaver, founder and CEO of Purism, will be doing a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on March 28th at 17h00 UTC (10h00 PDT / 13h00 EDT). You can already see him scheduled in the sidebar on the right of In true Reddit tradition, he is using the picture below to authenticate into Reddit:

The “proof” that Reddit requires

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