Guido Günther

Guido Günther

Phone Developer
Guido Günther

Latest posts by Guido Günther (see all)

This is another incarnation of the software development progress for the Librem 5. This time for June 2020 (weeks 23-26). Some items are covered in more detail in separate blog posts at The idea of this summary is to have a closer look at the coding and design side of things. It also shows how much we’re standing on the shoulders of giants reusing existing software and how contributions are flowing back and forth between upstream and downstream projects. This quickly gets interesting since we’re upstream for some projects (e.g. calls, phosh, chatty) and downstream for others (e.g Debian, Linux kernel, GNOME). So these reports are usually rather link heavy pointing to individual merge requests on or to the upstream side (like e.g. GNOME’s gitlab).

Adaptive Apps

This section features improvements on adaptive apps, GTK, and underlying GTK based widget libraries like libhandy:

Short and instant messaging

Chats (aka Chatty) handles SMS via ModemManager and instant messaging via XMPP. It has experimental support for various other formats via libpurple. Sadiq’s cleanups and bug fixes continued during June:

purple-mm-sms plugin

Purple-mm-sms is the libpuruple plugin to handle SMS via ModemManager:

Phone Calls

Calls (the app handling phone calls) has seen a UI improvement to anonymous callers.

Compositor and Shell

This section highlights progress in Librem 5’s GTK based graphical shell named Phosh and its wlroots based compositor Phoc:





Librem5 Base

The librem5-base package contains configuration data and meta packages that pull in the needed software:


The image-builder is responsible for creating bootable disk images:


gnome-usage shows CPU and disk usage:


Feedbackd is responsible for haptic, audio (and later) LED based feedback:

Linux Kernel

The process of upstreaming our Linux kernel work progress is covered in a separate report. The current one is for Linux 5.7 so this is mostly about downstream improvements:


These were the releases during may for projects we’re upstream:


If you made it down here and want to start contributing join us on matrix. We welcome you to join a discussion or submit patches on If you want to grab an issue and can’t think of a particular problem, check the easy and helpwanted tags in our GitLab instance. See you next month.

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