We have finalized the PureOS 2.0 OEM Install ISO, so we can ship batches waiting for PureOS 2.0 starting on Thursday, December 10th and Friday, December 11th.
This ISO, which we will be releasing within two weeks, is built to solve one of the long standing pain points of GNU/Linux based installations. The problem has historically been to get full disk encryption, or to setup your own username and password (not getting a preconfigured/default username/password), a user must install their own operating system. We solved this by having an installation ISO that we preseed with sane defaults and stick at the end of the disk. Then upon first boot, you (the user), boot the PureOS 2.0 operating system install process, encrypting the disk, configuring the keyboard, timezone, and entering your username, and password. This ensures you are in control of your device.
The process from start to finish is this: