Todd Weaver

Todd Weaver

Founder and CEO
PGP Fingerprint: B8CA ACEA D949 30F1 23C4 642C 23CF 2E3D 2545 14F7
Todd Weaver

The fabrication of the Librem 13 is underway!

August 15th – “green light” fabrication
August 20th – Todd on-site @ fabrication in Shenzhen
week 1 fabrication
week 2 fabrication
week 3 fabrication
week 4 fabrication
September [15th-20th] – Receive hardware for assembly
September [24th-28th] – Ship first orders

Now that we have prototype hardware, we can add a known issues section this week, so we can update progress weekly as well:

Known Issues:

  1. Trackpad Driver
    • Current: ps/2 mouse capabilities
    • Future: multitouch
    • ETA: ~October
    • Where: Kernel Level Driver
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Git (soon)
    • 2 devs
  2. Coreboot BIOS
    • Current: ~20%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~October
    • Where: BIOS
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Coreboot Blog, Git (soon)
    • 3 devs
  3. Hardware Kill Switches
    • Current: Webcam/Mic
    • Future: Webcam/Mic & NGFF (Wireless)
    • ETA: ~September 15
    • Where: Hardware
    • Source for Updates: Blog
    • 3 devs
  4. Bluetooth (via daughter card)
    • Current: ~0%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~February 2016
    • Where: Kernel Level Driver
    • Source for Updates: Blog
    • 0 devs (If you’re interested in helping we can use it!)

Thank you!

Todd Weaver & Purism Team

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