Todd Weaver

Todd Weaver

Founder and CEO
PGP Fingerprint: B8CA ACEA D949 30F1 23C4 642C 23CF 2E3D 2545 14F7
Todd Weaver

With the immense support from our customers, backers, and users, Purism was able to commit tremendous development effort upstream. According to, out of all Employers who have committed to advance GTK 4.0, Purism is ranked #5 by commits, and #5 by changes. Behind only RedHat, GNOME Foundation, GNOME, and all unattributed commits; while being ahead of Canonical, Centricular, Endless, Collabora, Intel, and Novell.

GTK Purism Top Contributor

Without specifically targeting to be top contributor as a goal, but instead desiring to see GTK 4.0 be made modern to support Purism’s Librem 14 Laptop and Librem 5 Phone (and Librem 5 USA Phone), we are showing our social purpose of investing in and advancing freedom respecting software, hardware, and services has measurable positive impact.

Librem 5, the most secure phone available today

GTK 4.0 is game-changing for our product offering, and with every purchase of Purism products, you too are advancing a world that we all desire to live in.

Purism Products and Availability Chart

 ModelStatusLead Time 
USB Security Token Purism Librem KeyLibrem Key

(Made in USA)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5 COMSEC BundleIn Stock
Qty 2; 3GB/32GB
10 business days
Purism Liberty Phone with Made in USA ElectronicsLiberty Phone
(Made in USA Electronics)
Estimated fulfillment February
Librem 5 + SIMple
(3 GB Data)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5 + SIMple Plus
(5 GB Data)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5 + AweSIM
(Unlimited Data)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 11In Stock
10 business days
Most Secure Laptop Purism Librem 14Librem 14Backorder
Estimated fulfillment December
Most Secure PC Purism Librem Mini
Librem MiniBackorder
10 business days
Most Secure Server Purism Librem ServersLibrem ServerIn Stock
45 business days
The current product and shipping chart of Purism products, updated on October 18th, 2024

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