

Beautiful, Secure, Privacy-Respecting Laptops, Tablets, PCs, and Phones

Video editing is a complex topic with a wide-range of software to choose from. In this series, produced with Gardiner Bryant, we will cover some of the common video editing suites available for Linux. We will then jump into some of the other software that you can choose when producing multimedia content on Linux. Instead of just telling you about how awesome Librem 14 actually is, we thought it would be useful to show Librem 14 in action.

While we could just do a high-level marketing video that demonstrated a bit of video editing on the Librem 14, we thought it would be better (and more aligned with our Social Purpose) to invest in a complete tutorial series that would teach people how to edit videos on a Librem 14 running PureOS. Let’s start!

Part 1: Choosing Free Software for Video Editing

What factors should you consider to choose the best video editor for you? You can choose proprietary or open source video editors. Learn how you and your teams can benefit from free software video editors that do not lock you down into proprietary ecosystems.

Some common tools for video editing mentioned in the video are Flowblade, Openshot, Shotcut, DaVinci Resolve (proprietary), Olive, Kdenlive, Blender and others.

Part 2: Video Editing with Kdenlive

Interoperability means that you will be able to send heavy video files back and forth. You don’t have to worry about the kind of Operating System (OS) others on your team are using. Free software options are compatible with several systems, and are capable of working with a variety of video file formats. If the software is free, you don’t have to worry about exorbitant licensing fees.

Kdenlive is a multiplatform freedom-respecting video editing solution. In this series, Gardiner shows why he prefers Kdenlive, part of KDE suite of applications. Though we talk about editing with Kdenlive in this series, the concepts will be applicable to pretty much every other video editor that you would want to use. So, let’s deep dive.

Part 3: Audio is the Most Important Part of the Video

Imagine if you have a great video with poor audio. Would you enjoy the overall experience? Viewers want high quality of audio with video. This is why audio is really the most important thing when it comes to video production.Let’s talk about the methods that we can use to improve the audio quality in post-production in Part 3 of the series.

Part 4: Get the Best Out of Your Video Editing Software

Are you regular user of video editing? Next we dig into tuning Kdenlive’s performance. Let’s perform some editing for high-resolution video in the next episode. This video will especially help those who use proxy clips, perform color correction or work with 4k or higher footage.

Part 5: Manage Projects Easily in Kdenlive

Looking to start your new project in Kdenlive? In the below episode, Gardiner will show you how to choose the right settings for your video editing project. We will talk about to how work efficiently with projects files, settings, and keybindings.

Part 6: How to Use Various Kinds of Cuts for Your Clips

There are 5 basic cuts that every video creator or editor should know.  In this video you’ll learn about J-cuts, L-cuts, Jump cuts, and Action or Motivated cuts.

And you made it halfway through this series!

Part 7: Add Visual Interest to Your Video

You can make your storytelling truly engaging by using multimedia effects.  In this video, you can learn how to use compositions to mix tracks and how to apply basic video effects in Kdenlive, a free video editing solution.

You can do a lot by applying these basic techniques to add effects to your video projects.

Part 8: Capture and Correct the Color of Your Videos

Now, we’re going to talk about the 6 things you need to know about color correction, when editing videos.

We will quickly go through the workspace, interface and tools available on Kdenlive.

Part 9: Get Creative with Framerates

Let’s go all in and find out about standard frame rates and when to use which rate. You’ll learn how to make a video feel quick or slow things down for a cinematic shot. This video will help you take your video production up a notch.

Part 10: Using  the “Extra” footage or “B-roll” to your Advantage

Have you ever noticed the “behind-the-scenes” or “making of” clips that are used in videos? B-roll is the secondary footage, loosely related to the topic.  You can use it in the narrative and make it interesting for the audience by using it in a creative way.

Let’s learn about the B-roll, and how to include these secondary shots: clips or images in your video.

Part 11: Using Multiple Monitor Setup for Video Editing On Librem 14

If you are serious about editing video,  you may consider a screen setup that works for you. A multiple monitor setup can help you catch likely edits with your footage when you’re previewing it in full screen. You need a portable, powerful laptop that can handle resource-intensive processes like video editing, and can support multiple monitors (may we suggest, Librem 14)?  Let’s hear Gardiner’s suggestions in Part 11.

Part 12: Render Your Video Files in Kdenlive

One of the very last steps in video production is rendering your final files. In this final episode of the series, we will look at the steps involved in rendering your video projects, in Kdenlive.

 Learn to use in and out zones and master the settings that help you render your project.

Send Us Your Feedback

We hope that you learnt something new through this educational series. Let us know what you think, and if there are topics you’d want covered in the future.

Want to watch and share a specific episode? Here are the links for the individual videos and posts.

Purism Products and Availability Chart

 ModelStatusLead Time 
USB Security Token Purism Librem KeyLibrem Key

(Made in USA)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5 COMSEC BundleIn Stock
Qty 2; 3GB/32GB
10 business days
Purism Liberty Phone with Made in USA ElectronicsLiberty Phone
(Made in USA Electronics)
Estimated fulfillment April
Librem 5 + SIMple
(3 GB Data)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5 + SIMple Plus
(5 GB Data)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 5 + AweSIM
(Unlimited Data)
In Stock
10 business days
Librem 11Backorder
Estimated fulfillment April
Most Secure Server Purism Librem ServersLibrem ServerIn Stock
45 business days
The current product and shipping chart of Purism products, updated on February 18, 2025

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