Todd Weaver

Todd Weaver

Founder and CEO
PGP Fingerprint: B8CA ACEA D949 30F1 23C4 642C 23CF 2E3D 2545 14F7
Todd Weaver

First off, thank you for all the support, volunteering, and developers offering to join Purism, we are just in the beginning and as we grow we can do great things together!

We had a detailed meeting with fabrication yesterday and will provide greater detail on the production status for both the Librem 13 and Librem 15 rev2 (light gray, and dark gray).

We have confirmation of shipment of the first 100 PCBs for the Librem 13, they will be arriving with all the other parts Tuesday, October 6th to begin assembly and then shipment. After that we receive batches of 100 units on a bi-weekly basis, allowing us to fulfill the remaining pre-orders, and begin to ship from stock.

In an attempt to overcome the R&D delays while redesigning the Librem 15 rev2, and to expedite some Librem 15 rev2 units to the earliest backers, we will be splitting those into a small batch of 10 units, light gray, with 1080p screens arriving Monday, October 19th, allowing us to get the earliest and longest waiting backers some units assembled and shipped around October 28th. This will follow with 40 more units, light gray, with 1080p screens arriving a week later, October 26th. We will then be getting the dark gray units, that support up to 4k in batches of 100 in the middle of November, for shipment the end of November and early December. We will then be able to ship from stock in the month of December.

We are adjusting and adding in all those dates in list form here:

Librem 13
September 25th – Librem 13 motherboard shipment
October 6th – Librem 13 assembly
October 12th – Ship Librem 13 (first orders)
October 12th through October 30th – First batch of 100 units shipped
October 30th through November 20th – Second batch of 100 units shipped
November 23rd – Any sales will be shipping from stocked units

Librem 15 rev2
October 19th – First 10 Librem 15 rev2 (light gray) motherboard shipment
October 22nd – First 10 Librem 15 rev2 (light gray) assembly
October 22nd – Next 40 Librem 15 rev2 (light gray) motherboard shipment
October 26nd – Next 40 Librem 15 rev2 (light gray) assembly
October 28th – First 10 Librem 15 rev2 (light gray) shipment
November 3rd – Next 40 Librem 15 rev2 (light gray) shipment
All product from here on out will be dark gray
November 24th – Librem 15 rev2 motherboard shipment
November 27th – Librem 15 rev2 assembly
November 30th through December 4th – Batch of 100 units shipped
December 4th through December 11th – Next Batch of 100 unit shipped
December 14th – Any sales will be shipping from stocked units

Known Issues:

  1. Trackpad Driver
    • Current: ps/2 mouse capabilities
    • Future: gesture
    • ETA: ~October (initial gestures supported)
    • Where: Kernel Level Driver
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Git (soon)
    • 2 devs
  2. Unlocking the ME
    • Current: ~90%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~September
    • Where: BIOS
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Coreboot Blog
    • 2 devs
  3. Coreboot BIOS
    • Current: ~30%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~October
    • Where: BIOS
    • Source for Updates: Blog, Coreboot Blog, Git (soon)
    • 3 devs
  4. Hardware Kill Switches
    • Current: Webcam/Mic & NGFF (Wireless)
    • Future: DONE
    • ETA: September 11
    • Where: Hardware
    • Source for Updates: Blog
    • 3 devs
  5. Bluetooth (via daughter card)
    • Current: ~5%
    • Future: 100%
    • ETA: ~February 2016
    • Where: Kernel Level Driver
    • Source for Updates: Blog
    • Note: This is for a free software kernel driver, not the binary blob
    • .25 devs

Thank you!

Todd Weaver & Purism Team

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