Recently, we have updated our Frequently Asked Questions. “Who cares!” you might say. Well, here’s why I think it may be more important than you think. For the longest time we had five FAQ’s. Five. As a small company with little staff, FAQ’s and documentation were initially not as big of a priority as they perhaps should have been. Things that needed to be addressed have often been put on the back burner as we had larger issues to address. But, in recent weeks, we have begun to try and make changes in our approach, changes in our communication with you.

As we have begun this process, we are altering our previous method of outreach and communication to focus, quite simply, on these aspects: “more,” “better” and “engagement.” We have heard many of your calls for us to communicate more often and better.  We consider important, especially for the free and open source community, to have engagement and a back and forth dialogue between you and us. From here on, this blog will be updated more often with all of us chipping in at times. Our FAQ’s have been updated to address many of the common questions that we get asked and it will continue to be updated as more questions come in to us. With our new communication team, we have also recently changed our approach on social media as well, aiming for more engaging conversations with you and moving away from the previous “privacy news fire hose” approach where we were sharing too many Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt (FUD) articles that overall impaired our credibility. All in all, we’d like to bring some fun back to our social media process and to talk WITH you instead of AT you.

Recently our staff at Purism has grown. We have more, dedicated people in key positions to assist you and provide you with timely answers. Our community forums have undergone a significant improvement moving away from the barren wasteland of spam and unanswered posts to one with zero spam and a much improved response time. We have already begun the process of setting up a viewable shipping queue overview, so that you can see where you are in the ordering process. Finally, we have set up a new email, feedback(at), along with increasing the number of people that the support(at) emails go to in another effort to improve communication. No longer will your emails, posts, and questions go unanswered.

The truth is this: we realize that we have made mistakes in our past communications and we are now trying our best to correct many of them with our new team dedicated to this. Certain things on our part have not been addressed, explained correctly – or explained at all – and this has led to several miscommunications between us and you. We realize that we will have to regain some of your trust and respect and we hope that these changes are met with your approval.

So, the FAQ’s have been updated. “Who cares,” you say? We do.

Question? Comment? Send an email to feedback(at)

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